©Earl Gibson
The Piece is from the Dorthy Chandler Pavilion when the Alvin Ailey Dancers were performing.
The paper type is Matt
Leica SL2 with my 90-280mm lens
Limited edition of 25

©Per Bernal
My name is Earl Gibson III. I have been a photojournalist for over 35 years. I have served as a
contributor for Shutter Stock, The Associated Press and Getty Images for the past 18 years.
My work has been featured in the New Yorker, Ebony Magazine, Forbes, Vogue, New York Times and the Chicago Tribune to name a few. I am currently a member of the Golden Globes where I also serve on the Board of Directors. Photojournalism has been my life blood since my early youth. Some of my favorites are Richard Avedon, Patrick Derchelier and Gordon Parks. I love everything about the creation of imagery and therefore refuse to be pigeonholed into one subject matter. Leica helps me to put in print what I see in my minds eye…
When did you start using Leica?
I started using Leica in 1989 when I moved to San Francisco…My buddy had an M6 and I feel in love with the 90 f/2
What is your favorite camera?
I currently have 2 favorites one is my Silver M11 and the second is my Silver SL2
What is your favorite subject matter to shoot?
I enjoy the dynamic movement of dance photography and one of my favorite dance troupes is Alvin Alley.
What other Leica camera are you thinking of getting?
I’m waiting to see what’s on the horizon but as of today, I’m more than happy with the Leica cameras I own..
How has Leica changed your life?
Leica has changed to way I process my thinking when it comes to photography…It’s forced me to think about what I want to see on canvas by allowing me to be conscious of everything around me.