©Cheriss May – During my pilgrimage to Egypt with my Dad, we went sailing on the Nile River. 15-year-old Mahmoud looks out on the Nile, while helping his father with the boat.

©Per Bernal
Cheriss May is a visual storyteller whose passion radiates through her aptitude to connect to the soul of those she photographs.She is an adjunct professor at her Alma Mater, Howard University teaching visual storytelling. Cherissis a frequent contributor to the NYT, &has been published inO Mag, The White House website, People,&other publications.Her work is featured in the permanent collection of the African American Museum in Philadelphia, Pa., &the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, NY. Originally from Kansas City, Mo., Cheriss is based in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, Ca.
When did you start using Leica?2017
What is your favorite camera? M11-P
What is your favorite subject matter to shoot? People doing what they love to do, authentically—environmental portraits.
What other Leica camera are you thinking of getting? Q3, and the next SL.
How has Leica changed your life? Leica made creating portraits fun again. I feel a connection that translates to more authentic storytelling.